Monday Marketing

Monday Marketing

Get your weekly Monday email packed with top ways to leverage your presence on social media!


What people are saying

“Great piece of newsletter there! Full of useful info and tips to help grow on social media. Love it!”

PL BompardIndie hacker & Solopreneur

“Wonderful newsletter, full of learnings! A must have!”

JipéSenior iOS developer

“If you need marketing tips straight to your inbox, Monday Marketing is the newsletter to go!”

Raymel FranciscoI built apps all my life. Social media enthusiast

“Great tips! It's rare to find a newsletter that delivers on its promise, and this is one of them.”

Ayush K.Helping tech founders and organizations create compelling content

“I'm a big fan of the Monday Marketing newsletter. I really like how Nikhil uses his own experience teaching how you can grow an audience.”

Jakob JellingI run the Fake Mayo newsletter: Startup stories shared by smart entrepreneurs

“Lots of ideas packed in one single newsletter!”

Raymond YehBuilding blogs for Next.js 14 that doesn't suck!

“Monday Marketing has quickly become my essential weekly read. ”

Venelin K.Solopreneur & Web Developer